Spreadsheets are sexy!
With a spreadsheet, I can estimate how long each part of the job will take and how much the materials will cost. It's exciting to get to the final number, the bottom line - the great reveal!
When deciding how much to charge attach a cost to each job. Some jobs may be $35/hr, some may have a set $2500 cost, some may be $225/hour, some $75/hour. Even if one person does all of the jobs, attach a cost to each specialty.
Put together a spreadsheet to get a sense for the real cost and extent of the project. Attached is a sample spread sheet that AvantGarb uses. It's for making mascots ---yours will certainly be different labor titles and headings --- this is merely a sample.
It's simple, yet it gives us a handle on costs and time. A spread sheet is for the business's information. It is not a document to share with clients.

When negotiating, it's good to have what you propose in writing. People hear what they want to hear. Put it in writing.
We put together a pretty specific proposal when we're going after a mascot job. We have a description of each part, fabric choices, a bit about mascot engineering, some photos of relevant mascot, a select list of clients and projects.
We have a separate costs page where everything is listed.
We list all the parts of the mascot - head, body, mascot clothing, etc and put one cost for those items. It's not a menu. We don't separate cost for materials and labor. That might or might not work for everyone.
There is also a heading for Additional/Optional item. Something the client might want, but hasn't thought of.
I always use a spreadsheet to keep me based in reality.
You may have clients that want a fabulous production with fabulous clothes, a mural in their restaurant, a commissioned installation. Give them a cost. You may be surprised to learn how much wiggle room there is in the client's budget.
Under-pricing creative work is too expensive for the artist and practically guarantees tension between the artist/designer and the client.
Why are spreadsheets sexy?
They let you know what your work is worth, and with a good number in hand, the relationship with the client might be as much fun as dancing the waltz of the booga-loo.xo Jennifer - An Artist in the Material World
©Jennifer Smith 2015